Liuba Radion
Specialist în medicină cuantică
Trainer în biorezonantă magnetică
Sunt Liuba Radion,
Consultat in nutritie si naturopatie, tratamente holistice, cu o experienta de 21 ani
Specialist in biorezonanta magnetica, cu o experienta de peste 15 ani
Trainer international in biorezonanta magnetica si tratamente holistice - Scoala de specialist in biorezonanta magnetica
Biomedical Remed, cabinet de biorezonanta magnetica si tratamente holistice, a luat nastere in anul 2006, din dorinta de a trata oameni de pretutundeni si a devenit o clinica in atentia oamenilor deschisi spre medicina alternativa, dornici de o schimbare in viata lor, oferind ca alternativa medicina cuantica cu servicii de biorezonanta magnetica, evaluare generala a starii de sanatate, terapii de recuperare a starii de sanatate, NLP, beauty, antismoching si tratamente holistice.
Pentru a deveni un bun profesionist in domeniu, am avut nevoie de mult studiu, dedicare, munca si multa iubire de oameni, pentru a asculta, a intelege nevoile fiecariu om si a-i ajuta in procesul de vindecare fizica, emotionala, mentala, spirituala...,
Am studiat sase ani intensiv la International Medical University in Budapesta, cursuri post universitare in cadrul facultatii de medicina Victor Babes Timisoara, si cursuri de specializare Biofeedback Eductor 1, biorezonanta magnetica si specializarea de trainer.
Biomedical Remed tine pasul cu dezvoltarea si specializarea periodica, pentru a fi la inaltime si petru a putea oferi cele mai bune servicii clientilor nostri, investim in specializare periodica si aparatura performanta de ultima generatie de biorezonanta magnetica Eductor 1.
Pentru a fi mereu aproape de clientii nostrii, oferim periodic informatii importante de sanatate si frumusete in cadrul emisiunilor televizate cu Liuba Radion, postate pe youtube, facebook si instagram.
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I'm Liuba Radio,
Consulted in nutrition and naturopathy, holistic treatments, with 21 years of experience.
Specialist in magnetic bioresonance, with over 15 years of experience.
International trainer in magnetic bioresonance and holistic treatments - Specialist school in magnetic bioresonance.
Biomedical Remed, a magnetic resonance imaging and holistic treatment practice, was born in 2006 from the desire to treat people everywhere and has become a clinic for people open to alternative medicine, eager for a change in their lives, offering as an alternative. quantum medicine with magnetic bioresonance services, general health assessment, health recovery therapies, NLP, beauty, antismoching and holistic treatments.
To become a good professional in the field, I needed a lot of study, dedication, work and a lot of love for people, to listen, understand the needs of each person and help you in the process of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing.
I studied intensively for six years at International Medical University in Budapest, postgraduate courses at Victor Babes Timisoara School of Medicine, and specialization courses in Biofeedback Educator 1, magnetic resonance imaging and trainer specialization.
Biomedical Remed keeps up with the development and periodic specialization, in order to be up to date and to be able to offer the best services to our clients, we invest in periodic specialization and high-performance equipment of the latest generation of magnetic bioresonance Eductor 1.
In order to be always close to our clients, we regularly offer important health and beauty information in the television shows with Liuba Radion, posted on youtube, facebook and instagram.